yukon citizens’ assembly

The voice of a vibrant and diverse community.

This summer, a group of  Yukoners is diving deep into electoral reform 

The Yukon Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform (YCAER) is examining and discussing different ways of electing our territorial government. By Oct. 31, the YCAER will recommend to either keep our current voting system or adopt a different one.

Citizen Assemblies are a public learning process and a problem-solving process. They begin with the assumption that the public is a resource, not a risk.

This representative cross-section of the territorial population will come together four times to learn and thoughtfully deliberate.

Assembly members are not direct representatives like MLAs and MPs. They are private citizens participating in an act of public service, much like those selected for jury duty.

Learn more about how this works

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Read our statement on mailouts, polling by advocacy groups

Have your say!

Share your thoughts and any pertinent information you may have on different electoral systems and electoral reform in the Yukon. We accept video, audio, text, links (max file size: 512MB).

Online submissions are open until 12:01AM on Monday August 12, 2024.


Watch, listen, read alongside assembly members.

  • How do values affect governance?
  • What is the political history of the Yukon?
  • How does our current electoral system work?
  • What are the different potential voting systems?
  • What trade-offs are involved in selecting between different systems?

What members are saying


“There’s so many different opinions here, yet we are all having such a wonderful discussion.”


"Our minds keep changing, and that’s a great thing.”


“I’m so looking forward to the next two weekends.”


“I came in thinking I knew what I wanted, what would work, and then just completely shifted my perspective when I learned new things and talked to different people.”


“Everyone here is so open, sharing and knowledgeable. It’s really been a great group and a helpful process.”


“The amount of knowledge I have in my head right now is ridiculous. I haven’t learned this much in a very long time.”


“The process is very exciting and very demanding. I’m really marveling at the mix of people and mix of voices; I think it was a genius selection of representative Yukoners.”

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Gatherings take place in Whitehorse. One gathering day will be in Carcross. 

May 25-26 June 8-9 Aug 24-25 Sept 7-8

The first two Gatherings include Learning Sessions the public can observe virtually via Zoom.

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